Genseric Wendla Cyning

Cynedom 428-477
Foregenga Gunderic
Æftergenga Huneric
Bearn Huneric
Fæder Godigisel
Geboren 389
Lake Balaton
Deaþ 25. Æfter Gēola 477 (æt 88 ƿintrum)
Genserīce oferherigeð Rōmburg (Karl Briullov)

Genseric ƿæs Ƿendla Cyning and Alana Cyning of 428 oþ 477 and mǣre ƿæs he þe he staðolede þæt Ƿendlerīce on norðernum Affrican. Þurh Genseric cƿōm micel æglǣc þæs æfteƿeardan Ƿesternan Rōmāniscan Rīces in þæm fifta gearhunde. Gensericces cynedōm ƿæs ælmæst eahtig ƿinter and in þissum ylde rærede he his lytel Germanisc mægð þe sƿylc folc biþ mār Ƿendelsǣs rīce, and of his folce giefaþ ƿe þæm brime þone naman 'Ƿendelsǣ'. Æfter Genserices dēaþ begann sƿylce rīces slāƿe dryre.

Genseric fang to rīce æfter Gunderic his brōdor in ylde þan þā Ƿendlas healdon rīce in Hispania Baetica, on Ispanie sūþēast dæle. In 428 æt Mérida Fēohte adrāf Genseric onsæc þāra Sƿæfna and brōhtede eall his þēod, þærof ƿæron ymbe 80,000 menn, ofersǣ to Norþernum Affrican in þæm geare. Sum mann secgð ðe Bonifacius se Rēmiscan Ealdormann geleaðede hine, þe he meahte atēon Ƿendelþēodes þrēat ƿiþ þæs cāseres lēodƿeard.

Genseric ƿrohtede micel hryre in his ēastƿeardum fare fram Ercoles Sylan geond Affrican. He feaht ƿið Bonifacius and geƿonne sige in 430, and þan gecnyttede þrēat of þāra Ēastrīces and Ƿestrīces fōr ƿiþ Genseric, he geƿonn ongean micel sige.

In 435 sealde Gaiseric his hand on foremæl mid Rōmƿarum þærbe heald Ƿendelþēod Mauretania þæt underrīce and Numidie dæl þe hie bēon Rōmfolces gesiþþas. Noþȳlǣs on 19 Hāligmōnaþ in 439, afang Gaiseric Cartainan, þæs rīces micel ceaster on Affrican. In foremæle mid Rōmƿarum in 442, Rōm oncnēoƿ þæt Ƿendle rīce sƿa sundorrrīce ofer Byzacena and Numidie dæle. Eftsōn heald Gaiserices liþhere micel dæl þæs ƿesternum brimes, and he cnyttede to his rīce þā Baleares, Sardinia, Corsica, Melita and Sicilia.

Þissses cyninges mǣrost dǣd ƿæs sēo Hergung of Rōme in Seremōnaþ 455.

Æfter þe Genseric forþferde in Cartaine æt 88 ƿinterylde, ƿæs fang his sunu Huneric to rīce.

Wendla Cyningas

Wisimar (d.335)  • Godigisel (359–406)  • Gunderic (407–428)  • Genseric (428–477)  • Huneric (477–484)  • Gunþamund (484–496)  • Þrasamund (496–523)  • Hilderic (523–530)  • Gelimer (530–534)

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